Certified Translation

In my capacity as a state-certified and sworn-in translator at the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court (Landgericht Frankfurt am Main) and the Koblenz Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht Koblenz) I am authorised to translate your official documents such as certificates, diplomas, contracts, court judgments, powers of attorney, deeds, expert's opinions etc. from and into German, English and Polish. I do this on my own responsibility by certifying the conformance of the translation with the original document by stamp and signature.

Here you can find a list of documents, which most frequently require a certified translation.

My certified translations are recognised by all public authorities, administrative bodies, courts, universities and other public institutions across Germany. As there is no automatic guarantee that translations certified by a German-based court translator will be accepted everywhere abroad, it is wise to enquire directly to the relevant authority for the intended target country of your translation. De facto however, certified translations from Germany are honoured everywhere without trouble.

You may possibly be asked by a German authority to submit an "amtlich beglaubigte Kopie" or "öffentlich beglaubigte Kopie" of your document. An officially certified copy of this kind has nothing to do with certified translation. You can obtain a certified copy of your document at a Bürgeramt (Citizens Office) or an Ortsgericht. You will find contact details of the Ortsgericht in Frankfurt under this link. In Mainz you can obtain a certified copy of your document from the Stadtverwaltung.

Please also pay attention to the Frequently Asked Questions.

Detailed information on legal translation can be found here.

Legal basis:
Authorisation by the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court (Landgericht Frankfurt am Main), file number 316 E - 95 - 2 (see Database of Interpreters and Translators)

Flaggen Dreieck

Galamaga Translations is a member of BDÜ

Uebersetzer.eu Premium Mitglied

SDL Trados Studio - Software

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(+49) 06131/6064914



Official translations accepted by all authorities

Accurate and legally valid documents

Insurance coverage

GDPR compliant

Free consultation included

Certification with a qualified electronic signature and apostille/legalisation if needed


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