Are certified translations from Germany recognised abroad?
A remark beforehand: for years I have been translating a variety of documents into English or Polish and certifying them in accordance with my official
A contract is concluded in accordance with German law and translated into English. What is the legal status of the English translation? Is the German version always prevailing and the English text is for information only when it comes to interpretation and legal assessment of the contract? A translation becomes legally effective only if the […]
The legalisation is a certification of authenticity of a foreign official document by a consular officer of the country in which the document is to be used. The apostille certifies (just like legalisation) the authenticity of an official document. However, an apostille is issued by the country in which the document itself was issued. This […]
The notion that translators are an endangered species has already been circulating for some time. Machine translation (MT) offered by companies such as Google or Bing is, after all, free of charge and available any time. Granted: MT is improving year on year. It is fairly adequate for private purposes, for example when you are […]
A remark beforehand: for years I have been translating a variety of documents into English or Polish and certifying them in accordance with my official
Health & safety training, business negotiations or a large Opel conference: as an interpreter you have to deal with all types of clients and industries.
Der Dolmetscher überträgt als Sprachmittler das gesprochene Wort verbal in eine andere gesprochene Sprache oder die Gebärdensprache. Dies geschieht auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise. Das