Reimbursement of translation costs
Although translations are often indispensable, they are also expensive. As a customer, it is natural that you want to make sure your translation is accurate and
Professional qualifications acquired abroad are assessed by means of particular procedure, before they can be deemed equivalent to professions protected by German law. Such procedures take place on the Bundesland level and are therefore conducted by various authorities depending on the region. For instance, in the State of Hesse it is staatliche Schulämter (State Education […]
Translation companies with highest standards of professionalism, the industry’s ‘big players’, often on their websites refer to ISO certifications or their own quality management procedures which in most cases include the ‘two-man rule’. The phrase «we only work with native speakers» is rarely found on these renowned agencies’ websites, while it almost dominates those of […]
Certified translations are usually issued as a hardcopy and physically signed and sealed by a sworn translator. However, the qualified electronic signature has been a legally valid alternative to the “classic” certification on paper for some time now. The digital certification is becoming more and more popular. According to EU Regulation 910/2014 (eIDAS), the qualified […]
“Not words but contents are translated” – so I was told a few years ago. This remark is correct at its core, however incomplete. During the translation or interpreting process, the content of what is said is not just explained in another language. Instead, certain cultural practices which we take for granted (and themselves pose […]
As a sworn-in translator and interpreter I am often privy to sensitive information. Since I am obliged by law to treat all information confidentially, I do not disclose any written or spoken contents I gain knowledge of. Punishments extending from the German Confidentiality Act, by which I am bound, are far reaching. These include criminal […]
Health & safety training, business negotiations or a large Opel conference: as an interpreter you have to deal with all types of clients and industries. Throughout the years, I have specialised in the legal field. In case of assignments from new fields (recently I received a query from an esoteric association), it is always possible […]
Der Dolmetscher überträgt als Sprachmittler das gesprochene Wort verbal in eine andere gesprochene Sprache oder die Gebärdensprache. Dies geschieht auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise. Das Simultandolmetschen als relativ junge Disziplin ist zugleich die Aufwendigste. Hierbei sitzt der Dolmetscher in einer schallisolierten Kabine und verdolmetscht die Aussagen in der Ursprungssprache, die er über Kopfhörer empfängt, beinahe […]
Not using a publicly appointed and sworn-in interpreter may prove to be advantageous seemingly because the legal (and financial) consequences of an improperly translated and thus misunderstood contract can ultimately cost you dearly. A foreign client’s claim to have a good command of German language should also be approached with caution because notarial recordings require […]
When does interpreting at the police become necessary?Based on the Directive 2010/64/EU, interpretation must be provided free of charge to suspected or accused persons who do not speak or understand the language of the criminal proceedings. Interpreters are also called when witnesses or victims have no sufficient command of the official language. Lawful interception practised […]
A contract is concluded in accordance with German law and translated into English. What is the legal status of the English translation? Is the German version always prevailing and the English text is for information only when it comes to interpretation and legal assessment of the contract? A translation becomes legally effective only if the […]
Although translations are often indispensable, they are also expensive. As a customer, it is natural that you want to make sure your translation is accurate and
In the context of increasing globalisation, it is becoming increasingly common for couples of different nationalities to meet and wish to marry. While a wedding
Driving licences can vary greatly depending on the country, driving category and validity. The highest degree of translation accuracy is required to ensure a result that