Marrying as a Foreigner in Germany
In the context of increasing globalisation, it is becoming increasingly common for couples of different nationalities to meet and wish to marry. While a wedding
As a freelance translator and interpreter, I am responsible for and carry out all orders and only in my three working languages, i.e. English, German and Polish. Should you be looking for a linguist for any other language, I recommend the searching tool of the Federal Association of Translators and Interpreters BDÜ. You are safe when using the BDÜ services as only translators and interpreters with a university degree, completed state examinations and long professional experience are admitted to this association.
There are several quality features that you should seek when looking for a translator or interpreter. Generally, you will recognise professionals by these characteristics:
If you want to verify whether a particular translator or interpreter is sworn-in or appointed by a court of law in Germany, you can use the official database of translators and interpreters run by the State Justice administrations here:
This very informative brochure “Translation – Getting it Right” published by the British Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI), will also help you with selecting the appropriate translation service provider for your project.
In the context of increasing globalisation, it is becoming increasingly common for couples of different nationalities to meet and wish to marry. While a wedding
When searching for a translation service provider, you will encounter different professional titles. First, you should bear in mind the distinction between a translator and
Translation companies with highest standards of professionalism, the industry’s ‘big players’, often on their websites refer to ISO certifications or their own quality management procedures